Articles on: Expression language


Number functions

The Text component must have the Format set to Number.

Format number

Format a number with grouped thousands and optionally decimal digits.
{% number_format([float number], [decimal_places], [decimal_separator], [thousands_separator]) %}


Round the float number based on the precision from the second parameter.
{% round([float number], [integer precision]) %}


Rounds to the nearest integer up. E.g. 2.1 => 3.
{% ceil ([float number]) %}


Rounds to the nearest integer down. E.g. 2.8 => 2.
{% floor ([float number]) %}


Number in power of.
{% pow([float base value], [integer|float power of]) %}


Square root of a number.
{% sqrt ([float base value])%}

String functions


To display data field value in uppercase, use following expression.
{% uppercase({dataFieldName}) %}


To display data field value in lowercase, use following expression.
{% lowercase({dataFieldName}) %}


Uppercase the first character of each word in a string.
{% capitalize({dataFieldName}) %}


The split(delimiter, string) function allows to split string into an array.
{% split("_", "Some_string") %} => ["Some", "string"]


The str_replace([string: search], [string: replace], [string: the original string]) function replaces all occurrences of a substring within a string.
{% str_replace("dog", "cat", "this is dog") %}
This expression output is: this is cat

The first two parameters can also be arrays that specify search and replace values e.g. {% str_replace(["dog", " is"], ["cat", " is not"], "this is dog") %} => this is not cat


The substr ( string $string , int $offset , int|null $length = null ) returns the portion of string specified by the offset and length parameters.

{% substr("This is test", 0, 2) %} // Result: Th
{% substr("This is test", 1, 2) %} // Result: hi
{% substr("This is test", -2) %} // Result: st


The count({stringData}) returns the length of the string
{% count("abcd") %} // Result: 4

Date functions


Format date value. NB! You need to use the Date formatter.
{% date({dateString}, {timezone}, {addDays}, {outputFormat}, {inputFormat}) %}

Examples of the function "Date":
Display current time
{% date('now') %}

Specify timezone
{% date({dateValue}, 'UTC') %}

Specify output format
{% date({dateValue}, 'UTC', 0, 'd/m/Y') %}

Specify output and input format
{% date({dateValue}, 'UTC', 0, 'd/m/Y', 'm/d/Y') %}


Format datetime value. NB! You need to use the Date formatter.
{% datetime({datetimeString}, {timezone}, {addDays}, {outputFormat}, {inputFormat}) %}

Examples of the function "Datetime":
Display current time
{% datetime('now') %}

Specify timezone
{% datetime({dateValue}, 'UTC') %}

Specify output format
{% datetime({dateValue}, 'UTC', 0, 'd/m/Y H:i:s') %}

Specify output and input format
{% datetime({dateValue}, 'UTC', 0, 'd/m/Y H:i:', 'm/d/Y H:i:') %}

When using the T separator in a date format you need to escape it like this

Date difference

The date_diff function calculates a difference between two dates. You can also specify the {inputFormat} to hint date format. If date strings use known format then it is handled automatically..
{% date_diff({datetimeString}, {datetimeString}, {inputFormat}) %}

You can use date('now') function as the date value to find difference between today and another date.
{% date_diff(date('now'), '2021-09-15', 'Y-m-d') %}

The {inputFormat} parameter in the date_diff function is by default 'Y-m-d H:i:s'

List (array) functions

The Text component must have the Format set to Number.


It is possible to count number of items in list.
{% count({line_items}) > 3 ? 'More than three' : 'Less than three' %}


Returns maximum value of list of elements or separate field values.
{% max({line_items::quantity}) %}

{% max({dataField1}, {dataField2}, ..., {dataFieldN}) %}


Returns minimum value of list of elements or separate field values.
{% min({line_items::quantity}) %}

{% min({dataField1}, {dataField2}, ..., {dataFieldN}) %}


It is possible to calculate sum of table column using following code.
{% sum({line_items::amount}) %}


The sumproduct function multiplies the corresponding items in the arrays and returns the sum of the results.
{% sumproduct({line_items::amount},{line_items::price}, {line_items::anotherColumn}) %}


It is possible to calculate average of table column using following code.
{% avg({line_items::amount}) %}

Use "Number" formatting when creating calculations or using sum, average, sumproduct functions.


The join(delimiter, array) function concatenates field values with specified separator. Last argument is always used as the separator.
{% join(";", {field1}, {field2}, {field3}, ..., {fieldN}) %}
{% join(";", [{field1}, {field2}, {field3}, ..., {fieldN}]) %}

Iterate list of elements (array map)

Iterates over list of elements and executes expression for each element. Returns new list.
{% iterate({line_items}, 'quantity*price') %}

{% map({line_items}, 'quantity*price') %}

Filter list of elements

Filters a list of elements by executing the given expression for each element. Returns new list.
{% filter({line_items}, 'price > 10.1') %}

Collect unique values from list

Collects unique values from and counts them. Returns new list with following structure:
[{"value": "Value", "count": 3, "raw_value": "Value"}, {"value": "Value 2", "count": 1, "raw_value": "Value 2"}]
{% collect_unique_values({array}, {array_of_values_to_exclude}, {expression_to_execute_for_each_item}) %}

Flatten list

Flattens list.
{% flatten(iterate({orders}, "{line_items}")) %}

Sort list

The function sort([array], [expression], [direction])) allows you to sort list of elements by the key value. The direction can be either ASC or DESC. The function returns new array with sorted items.

{% sort({line_items}, "quantity", "DESC") %}
{% sort({line_items}, "quantity*price", "ASC") %} 
{% sort({line_items}, "quantity > 10 ? 1 : 0", "ASC") %}

Utility functions


The empty(value) function checks if field has value.
{% empty({dataField}) ? 'No value' : 'Field has value' %}

JSON decode

Decode JSON string to use in an expression.
{% json_decode('{"key": "value"}', true) %}

Example datafield:
    "json_field": "{\"name\":\"value\"}"

Example expressions for JSON decode
{% json_decode({json_field}).name %}
{% json_decode({json_field}, true)['name'] %}

Updated on: 01/01/2024

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