Articles on: Expression language

Supported operators

Arithmetic Operators

+ (Addition)

{% 2 + 3 %} >> 5

- (Subtraction)

{% 7 – 4 %} >> 3

* (Multiplication)

{% 2 * 3 %} >> 6

/ (Division)

{% 9 / 3 %} >> 3

% (Modulus)

{% 10 % 3 %} >> 1

** (Pow)

{% 5 ** 2 %} >> 25

Logical Operators

! (not)

{% !true ? "true": "false" %} >> false

&& (And)

{% true && false ? "true": "false" %} >> false

|| (Or)

{% true || false ? "true": "false" %} >> true

Bitwise Operators

& (And)

{% 5 & 3 %} >> 1

| (Or)

{% 5 | 3 %} >> 7

^ (Xor)

{% 5 ^ 3 %} >> 6

The Bitwise operators are used to perform bit-level operations on the operands. The operators are first converted to bit-level and then calculated.

Comparison Operators

== (Equal)

{% 22 == '22' %} >> True

=== (Identical)

{% 22 === '22' %} >> False

!= (Not equal)

{% 22 != '22' %} >> True

!== (Not identical)

{% 22 !== '22' %} >> True

The difference between equal (==) and identical (===) is that '==' should be used to check if the values of the two operands are equal or not. On the other hand, '===' checks the values as well as the type of operands.

< (Less than)

{% 5 < 8 %} >> True

> (Greater than)

{% 6 > 6 %} >> False

<= (Less than or equal to)

{% 4 <= 7 %} >> True

>= (Greater than or equal to)

{% 6 >= 6 %} >> True

Matches (Regex match)

{% {dataField} matches "/bar/" ? "yes" : "no" %}


In (Contain)

{% 5 in [5,1,3] %} >> True

Not in (Does not contain)

{% 7 not in [2,8,9] %} >> True


~ (Concatenation)

{% 'Hello' ~ 'World!' %} >> HelloWorld!

(Ternary Operators)


{% {financial_status} === 'paid' ? 'All paid' : 'Waiting for payment' %}
{% {financial_status} === 'paid' ? uppercase({financial_status}) : 'Waiting for payment' %}

Updated on: 10/06/2022

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