Number Functions
When using Number functions, make sure to use the Number component.
Format a number with grouped thousands and optionally decimal digits.
Round the float number based on the precision from the second parameter.
Rounds to the nearest integer up. E.g. 2.1 => 3.
Rounds to the nearest integer down. E.g. 2.8 => 2.
Number in power of.
Square root of a number.
Format number
Format a number with grouped thousands and optionally decimal digits.
{% number_format([float number], [decimal_places], [decimal_separator], [thousands_separator]) %}
Round the float number based on the precision from the second parameter.
{% round([float number], [integer precision]) %}
Rounds to the nearest integer up. E.g. 2.1 => 3.
{% ceil ([float number]) %}
Rounds to the nearest integer down. E.g. 2.8 => 2.
{% floor ([float number]) %}
Number in power of.
{% pow([float base value], [integer|float power of]) %}
Square root of a number.
{% sqrt ([float base value])%}
Updated on: 08/01/2025
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