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How can I format the input and output for a date or a date-time?

Input Format


If the input format in your JSON dataset is YYYY-MM-DD (e.g. 2019-08-03) then the input format has to be the same in the editor.

Input date


If you have datetime in you JSON dataset, you have to use the T-separator in the editor input format, e.g. Y-m-d\THH:mm:ss

Let's say the input format in your JSON dataset is YYYY-MM-DD\THH:mm:ss.SSS\Z (e.g. 2019-12-09T18:41:23.853Z). You have to make sure that the input format is the same in the editor.

Input Datetime

Output Format

When you have set the input format correctly, you can focus on the output format, which you can customize many ways based on your preferences.

Output date

For example, if you want to have the output format as shown on the picture above, you have to set the output format in the editor (D MMMM, YYYY)

Output Format in the editor

Obviously, you can set the output any way you need, all the other options can be found here.

You can also use functions Date or Datetime from our expression language to set the input/output format.

Updated on: 19/06/2020

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