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Is it possible to conditionally change the component style or hide the component?

It is possible to conditionally hide and style the component. If you right-click on the component, you can use conditional formatting functionality, where you can either change the component style or hide the component if matches the condition.

Right click on the component --> Conditional formatting

If you want to change the style of particular values of your array, you can use "Change component style if matches the condition" and set the condition to determinate which values should have changed the style.
If you want to show only unique values of your array, you can use "Hide component if matches the condition" and set the condition to determinate which values should be hidden

Conditional Formatting Sidebar

General Usecase of Conditional formatting

You can also select "Expression" in the Conditional formatting view and add expression which applies the formatting or hides the component when the expression is true

Usecase of the Expression language in Conditional formatting
You can write empty({dataFieldName}) && empty({dataFieldName2}) which would hide the component if {dataFieldName} and {dataFieldName2} are empty. You can find more examples about expression language here.

It is also possible to conditionally hide a page. Please, follow our article here.

Updated on: 28/02/2021

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