Release Notes 2.34.0 (19.02.2019)
Template settings
We moved template related options (e.g tags, access type) from Page setup (File > Page setup) to Template settings (File > Template settings). The Template settings also introduce new option called Page height in the editor, that allows you to increase the page height in the editor view to fit all your components into a single page, but still render the document page size as A4 (or anything else defined in Page Setup).
Padding option
It is now possible to add Padding for Text component and a table column. The Padding option can be found in the formatting tab.
Hebrew font support
We have added the Alef font to support Hebrew characters.
SVG rendering
The Image component is now capable of rendering SVG images via URL (static URL or URL in the data field).
Bug fixes
Fixed the XLSX download from URL output
Updated on: 02/06/2023
Thank you!