Articles on: Release notes

Release notes 2.106.0 (07.09.2022)


Unique Identifier is now visible in the Components list view

From now on, if you add Unique Identifier in the advanced tab to any component, the identifier will be visible from the Components list view. This helps with the navigation in complex templates with a lot of components.

Unique identifier in the Components list view

Context menu for specific component is available from Components list view

You can now open the context menu for a specific component using a right click in the Components list view. In the context menu, there are these options:
Show in editor
Conditional formatting
Expand text editor

Sidebar with pages and components in the editor view

We implemented an MVP of a Sidebar which helps to navigate in complex templates directly from the editor.
Sidebar with components list in the editor
Please, keep in mind that this is an MVP and with different page setup, e.g. landscape, it may not work properly. We will be improving that later on.

Expanded text editor is now opened when double-clicking to the text component

If you double click to the Text component, the Expanded text editor will be opened.

If you wish to do some quick changes in the text field, we suggest opening the formatting tab and use the "Raw value" editor

Internal updates

Release 2.106.0 introduces internal updates, refactoring, and code improvements that are not directly visible to end-user.

Bug fixes

In some edge cases, there was a duplication of data if Container/Table rows exceeded to the next page. This has been resolved with the version 2.106.0

Updated on: 07/09/2022

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