Release Notes 2.38.0 (02.05.2019)
Radio & Checkbox components
We have added two new components to help you design better-looking documents. You can use static value, data field (e.g {dataField}) or expression (e.g {% {dataField} === 'myValue' %}) as the components value. If the value evaluates as "true" the checkbox or radio input will be checked.

Editable PDF fields
It is now possible to render Text, Radio and Checkbox components as editable fields in PDF, for this you need to check "Render as an editable Field" in the component's sidebar.

Vertical-align for Table Column
It is now possible to specify the vertical-align (top, middle, bottom) to Table component columns. By default, the header row has bottom align, and other rows have top align.
Updated on: 02/06/2023
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