Articles on: Release notes

Release Notes 2.79.0 (09.12.2021)


SMTP configuration option

On-premises customers can now configure SMTP server as email sender instead of Mailchimp or SendGrid API.

Margin validation

Margin values are validated when updating margins in the Page Setup view to ensure that page configuration is correct. The TOP + BOTTOM margin can be a maximum of 95% of page height, and the LEFT + RIGHT margin can be a maximum of 95% of the page width.

Template Settings view update

The Tags input in Template Settings is now hidden for Regular Users if the Regular user can only edit option is enabled in Account Settings.

Dashboard speed improvements

We have improved the Dashboard loading speed to ensure that large accounts can quickly open their accounts after login.

Bug fixes

Fixed deeply nested Data Field issue in Table and Container component
Fixed issues in generator caused by edge-cases

Updated on: 05/01/2022

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